Compared to previous one which favors countries that have taken part each season, and doesn't help new countries, the new method is designed to help smaller nations while paying respect to countries that usually send good entries to the competition.
The scoring system didn't drastically change. In the Excel spreadsheet above you can see how the points* are assigned to each country based on their placings. The new method doesn't hold a grudge against members who are disqualified so countries that got disqualified due to their members not voting will not get their points reduced. The thing that has changed is that now, the points received throughout the competition are now divided by the number of participation in the contest. The problem that would occur here is that the countries who took part only once in the contest or not that many times and finished quite high in the contest would automatically get placed very high on the list. This method would favor fairly new countries. To prevent that from happening, a new scoring element was added - a coefficient. It is a number in certain range that multiplies by then scaled number of points based on the participation frequency - if the country is relatively new to the contest, their coefficient will be a small number, if not it will approach to a higher number in the range*. This time, one or two high placements in a couple of editions will not be so easily rewarded and if the countries want to be placed high on the list they'll have to constantly send great entries for the contest. Countries are then sorted by the total number of points after scaling and coefficient multiplying from the country that has the most votes to the country with the lowest amount of points. In case of a tie, the exact sorting method is as follows: 1. Total column (descending), 2. Latest finished season (descending), 3. Number of participation (ascending), 4. Alphabetically (A to Z).
The Best countries list serves as a way of allocating participants into pots for the allocation draw. We use this to prevent inequality in the semi-finals. Countries are sorted into pots based on their previous success. Usually, Pot 1 is reserved for top ranked countries on this list.
*Points and coefficient range can be changed at any given moment.
This Excel file is updated after each season. If anyone notices mistakes in placements or if you have any questions, please contact me.